NEED has the ambition of becoming Ethiopian’s primary source of information on Nutritional Health fo...


NEED has the ambition of becoming Ethiopian’s primary source of information on Nutritional Health for all segments of the population. That i why we are providing you Ethiopian flavored delicious food as a diet with a calculated calorie,in order to make you comfortable and live the life you want. We are very proud to the first in Ethiopia.

Ethiopian diet with different calorie for walk in customer  

We provide different types of diet with different calorie, Our famous diets includes Ethiopian flavored diet for both weight gain as well as loss and diet specific for different types of non-communicable health problems like cholesterol, hypertension and gout, The price for one dish is 200 EBT.

• 1200kcal meal
• For one week trial 1400 ETB for the three meals per day
• For three month 18000 ETB for three meals per day. The three months package is highly recommended by NEED because it can easily help you overcome your bad dietary habit and adapt to the healthier and better diet that can directly lead you to a healthy lifestyle which you will be proud of your decision of coming to us hhhhh

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5 years ago